Linn Records

Free HD Downloads from Linn

Linn Records in giving away 24 Studio Master Recordings (one per day) free everyday until Christmas 2012. You will need to visit their site daily to get each Studio Master download. It would be nice to just get them all at once at the end of the promotion. How about it Linn?

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Montreal Hi-Fi Show - 2013

The Salon Son & Image show will be held on March 22 - 24, 2013 at the Montréal Hilton Bonaventure Hotel, Quebec, Canada. Montreal is one of the most beautiful and exciting cities in North America. The show features state of the art audio, video and events including live shows.

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AES 48th Conference on Automotive Audio

Automotive audio has evolved from the standard mono sound emanating from one full range loudspeaker to complex multichannel systems. The Audio Engineering Society will hold its Automotive Conference in Munich, Germany, September 21-23, 2012.

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Linn has brought back their +2 Promotion

Linn’s +2 promotion is back by popular demand (according to Linn). Add 2 extra channels of amplification for free when you buy any Majik or Akurate power amplifier from July 1 to September 14 2012.

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Musical Fidelity launches free App for M1CliC

Musical Fidelity recently announced the launch of a brand new FREE control app for the M1CLiC allowing complete control of your music straight from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

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HD Tracks

B&W Tweeter


Amarra HiFi

Bang and Olufsen Audi

Linn LP12

Audio Research