On three separate occasions I tried to listen critically to this album and failed each time. The music drew me into the recording space and I quickly forgot that my purpose was to make notes as I listen so that I could write intelligently about the album.
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This show was held on March 22 - 24, 2013 at the Montreal Hilton Bonaventure Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. There were many great sounding systems at the show; too many to choose from. If I had to pick one, it would be On a Higher Note.
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Now that HD audio is a reality for many Audiophiles and music lovers, let's take a look at some of the better-known sources to download excellent quality HD audio files. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list but it includes some of the better sites that I have used and that I would recommend.
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Listen to this Rita Coolidge release from AIX Records and you will soon rediscover the beauty of simplicity in the recording arts. During my first listening session, I found the music to be clean and unobstructed as if you are in the recording studio working with the engineer on the final mix. From my experience this is the point in the recording process where the music sounds best. After that point, they add compression and dynamic processing so that the music will sound "good" on average music systems.
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The Oppo BDP-105 Universal Audiophile 3D Blu-ray Disc Player is the successor to the very successful BDP-95. This is in fact a very good upgrade which, includes new features such as asynchronous USB DAC input and a fan-less design. The list price also moved up to $1200.
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Linn Records in giving away 24 Studio Master Recordings (one per day) free everyday until Christmas 2012. You will need to visit their site daily to get each Studio Master download. It would be nice to just get them all at once at the end of the promotion. How about it Linn?
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The Toronto Audio Video Entertainment Show was held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Canada on September 28 - 30 2012. It featured over 70 exhibitors highlighting some 300 or so brands of audio, video and related technologies. There were also some very memorable presentations.
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Apple's iTunes is one of the best music libraries available but is lacks some key features required for hi-fidelity use. Amarra provides a very good solution that uses iTunes to store and organize the music while Amarra handles the "audiophile quality" issues.
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Thinking about jumping into the digital music stream to enhance or replace your current music system? The good news is that it's not that difficult and you don't have to give up what you currently treasure. The example discussed will be focused on the Mac computer system but Windows is also a viable alternative.
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If you like violin music you will love Seasons Dreams. Anne Akiko Meyers is a world-renowned violinist. Her recently released "Seasons Dreams" is a compilation of tracks with her special take on some well known recordings, ranging from Classical to Jazz. It's available from HDTracks as an 88kHz 24 bits digital download.
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The Salon Son & Image show will be held on March 22 - 24, 2013 at the Montréal Hilton Bonaventure Hotel, Quebec, Canada. Montreal is one of the most beautiful and exciting cities in North America. The show features state of the art audio, video and events including live shows.
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Bryston's head-office is located in the small town of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. They are known for their purist approach to design and their industry leading 20 years warranty on analog components. Their latest offering is the B135 SST² Integrated Amplifier.
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Since our hearing is the ultimate judge of the music we experience, it's useful to test our hearing in order to have a good reference point for further evaluation of audiophile equipment and systems. The best way to do this is to visit your hearing health care professional. The second best way is to use the free iPhone/iPod touch/iPad application, uHear.
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Norah Jones has done it again. An album that is different from any of her previous ones. Not as "happy" as previous albums but the voice is amazing. Its interesting that this download is at 44.1 kHz 24 bit. This seems to be the middle ground of balancing file size against quality i.e. using CD quality sampling rate (44.1 kHz) and HD audio bit rate (24 bit).
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Automotive audio has evolved from the standard mono sound emanating from one full range loudspeaker to complex multichannel systems. The Audio Engineering Society will hold its Automotive Conference in Munich, Germany, September 21-23, 2012.
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